Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Graduation Celebration

Hello, and happy Wednesday! Can you say excited? That's exactly what we are! Our youngest son just finished his B.S. Degree in history, and we are celebrating this weekend. Woohoo!! Actually it's going to be a double celebration, because his cousin/roommate Eric graduated from art school, as well. We're having a dinner and rock band party for about 50-75 of our closest family and friends. Allen and I have had kids in college for the past 6 years, so we are pretty excited about having that behind us. Onward and upward, right? Trevor hopes at some point to teach history, and he would actually like to teach at a college level, so that means graduate school at some point, but for now, he's glad to be out of school, and he's just playing it by ear for a bit. He has studied and worked hard, and we are very proud of him. This is the card I sent out for invitations, and as always after reading, and re-reading it, having mom proof it, and Trevor, there were still some typos!! Arrrrg!!! Does that happen to anyone else, or is it just me?!! Oh well. What's done is done!!
Supply List
Paper: Basic Black, Whisper White, Brilliant Blue, Summer Sun
Ink: Basic Black
Stamps: SU Tassel Time (Retired)
Accessories: Nestabilities, Martha Stewart leaf punch, Dew Drops, Big Shot, Cuttlebug Argyle Embossing Folder

Thanks for dropping by today. The sun is trying to shine, and it looks like it may end up and be a gorgeous day. I hope your day is a special one. Please come back soon!! Love and hugs to ya!


Sandra MacLean said...

Whoa!! This is beautiful Lorie!! It really is an elegant and appropriate card. I love that embossing and the leaves around the scroll is such a great touch! Congrats to your son and by the way...I love the new look to your blog!

kadie said...

Sounds like quite the party!! You made 50+ of those! Wowsers!! That invite rocks!! Simple and yet so much detail. I love it.
Congrats to your DS!!

Anonymous said...

LOL - remember the gift bags for the baby show? I forgot a WHOLE WORD!

I'm sure no one will notice at all since the invite itself is so incredible. what a wonderful keepsake and you are a wonderful mom/aunt. Imagine 50-75 people and your so CALM about it all!


Becky said...

This is so lovely. love the embossed background. That was a lot of work :)

Anonymous said...

Gratz to your son for making it through school. And gratz to you for being done with college kids. Tell Trevor that if he wants to practice teaching, I can try it out on my oldest son (15). He absolutely loves history and is fascinated by all ancient history and WWII. Heck, after watching Night at the Museum 2 the other night, I got a whole lecture on how it was appropriate that the Lincoln Memorial's personality was matching that of Lincoln the Legend as opposed to Lincoln the actual man, since the Memorial was a tribute to the legend. These are the kind of discussions I get hit with where I just smile and nod.

Rambling again, awesome card!

Catherine said...

Wow! That is definitely something to celebrate (no more tuition!). Congrats to both your DS and nephew! Great graduation card! Hits just the right note - simple and elegant (and not too girly!).

Anonymous said...


Congratulations to the graduates! Sounds like a fabulous party!

Brandi said...

This is so elegant and professional looking. Great card Lorie! Have fun at the party!



Judy McMullen said...

Beautiful invitation card, Lorie! And congrats on getting another kid through college! Hope the party is a rousing success and a fitting celebration for the grads!
